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Ramonce Taylor Youth Association

Ramonce Taylor Youth Association


Donate To RTYA Football, Track & Cheer

RTYA program has launched a fundraising campaign to purchase new uniforms and equipment for the 2022 season. We're asking Bell County parents and friends to donate toward our goal. This fundraising campaign will help the program keep our yearly costs low while providing our kids with new and improved uniforms and equipment.  If you are interested in donating, please click here or on the image located on the right hand side of this page.  On behalf of the coaches, players, parents and fans, RTYA would like to thank you for your donation.

Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 



Ramonce Taylor Youth Association appreciates your interest in becoming a corporate sponsor.  We are a non-profit organization established in 2019 to foster, encourage, and promote participation in football, cheerleading and track for children.  We are committed to serving the families of Bell County by offering a quality program, with a particular emphasis on safety, communication, and operational transparency. Our goal is not only to teach our youth participants the fundamentals of football, cheerleading and track, but also to teach them the skills they will need to be positive and productive adults in our community.  To this end, our program is designed to promote accountability, sportsmanship, team pride, and community spirit.

We are seeking financial support to purchase equipment and uniforms for the boys and girls of Bell County and to fund other program costs, such as safety gear, insurance, field usage, referees, EMTs, competition fees, and other costs involved in running a youth sports program of this size.  We have created a number of different and exciting sponsorship levels. Choose the level of sponsorship that best fits your business.  RTYA truly appreciates your support!


Ramonce Taylor Youth Association
3883 Sparta Rd 
Belton, Texas 76513

Phone: 512-538-6184
Email: [email protected]

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